Acne Scar Removal
Even mild acne can leave scars long after the breakout has ended.
As a top-ranked provider of cosmetic skincare in Chicago, IL, Advanced Laser Aesthetics uses the PicoSure® Focus Lens Array for acne scar removal in patients of all ages, leaving them with skin that’s softer, clearer, and smoother. PicoSure uses a unique delivery system to gently disrupt the particles responsible for a range of pigment conditions like freckles, sunspots, and other discoloration. However, when coupled with the revolutionary Focus Lens Array, we’re able to utilize the latest breakthroughs in medical science to improve wrinkles, age lines, and acne scars. The Focus Lens Array harnesses the powerful photomechanical effect of the world’s first and only picosecond aesthetic workstation, PicoSure.
How does it work?
Instead of using heat to burn away and destroy skin in order to force the body to heal the targeted area, PicoSure is designed to activate the body’s natural immune response while minimizing injury and discomfort. PicoSure’s PressureWave technology combined with the Focus Lens Array uses a unique wavelength of light and a specialized lens to convert laser energy into gentle pressure. This pressure squeezes cells, activating the natural cell signaling process that creates new collagen and elastin without burning or damaging the skin.
Because it uses gentle pressure instead of dangerous damaging heat, there’s no need for a long, painful recovery. In fact, most patients only experience a few hours of mild redness.
What should I expect?
The Focus Lens Array by PicoSure and its PressureWave technology delivers one-of-a-kind results to treat acne scars, as well as wrinkles and brown spots without the pain, inconvenience or downtime of other lasers. With PicoSure, there’s no special prep needed and procedures typically take about 10-15 minutes. Most people experience no pain and describe the treatments as feeling like the snapping of a rubber band. Depending on the area and size, numbing cream and/or a Zimmer (which blows cold air) can be used to minimize any possible discomfort.

After treatments, most patients experience only minor swelling and redness for 1-3 hours. Make-up, moisturizers, and sunscreens can be applied after treatments because PicoSure doesn’t burn and damage the surface of the skin.
Minimal swelling or redness-just 1-3 hours
No need to cover up
No need to miss work or leisure activities
The Array microscopically concentrates the PicoSure pulse to a precise depth, offering a skin revitalization treatment unlike any other. Fast and gentle treatments mean you don’t need to disrupt your busy life to achieve real improvements making it more convenient than ever before to get rid of acne scars.
Acne involves an inflammation in the skin which doesn’t always heal properly. Abnormal healing responses can result in changes in skin color and texture, leaving scars that can be darker or shinier than the surrounding skin. Scars can also change skin texture or cause hard lumps to form underneath the skin. Acne scars usually form from more severe types of blemishes that cause deep inflammation, but some patients can experience scarring even with milder forms of acne.
The PicoSure® laser uses a special delivery system to target just the scar tissue while leaving surrounding tissue unharmed, so treatments are fast and highly customizable and can be used on all skin types and in any area of the body. Prior to treatment with the PicoSure® laser, patients undergo a careful evaluation of their skin and their objectives to ensure the best possible results.
The Focus Lens Array by PicoSure uses the most advanced laser technology to target scars and scar tissue, even in the deeper layers of skin. The highly-focused energy of the laser helps remodel scar tissue, promoting the development of healthy tissue and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. As old, damaged tissue is replaced with new, healthy tissue, scars begin to fade, and new collagen helps skin feel and look firmer and more resilient.
Prior to treatment, the skin will be cleaned and a numbing cream will be applied to reduce discomfort. During treatment, the laser handpiece is passed over the treatment area and the laser is fired in very rapid bursts, each burst lasting about a trillionth of a second. Most patients report very little discomfort beyond a mild stinging sensation. Each treatment session lasts about 15-30 minutes, and the number of sessions required will depend on the depth and extent of scarring, the patient’s objectives and other factors.